Дополнительные привилегии
Услуги, которые предоставляются работникам компании в дополнение к их основному заработку: пользование служебным автомобилем, бесплатное медицинское обслуживание и питание, льготные ссуды, субсидии на отдых и программы покупки акций компании. Для высшего руководства компании такие льготы (perks) могут составить значительные денежные суммы. Компании используют систему привилегий для привлечения квалифицированных работников, а также потому, что льготы чаще всего не облагаются налогом в отличие от обычного жалованья.

Новый англо-русский словарь-справочник. Экономика. — М.: Флинта, Наукa. . 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "FRINGE BENEFITS" в других словарях:

  • Fringe Benefits — A collection of various benefits provided by an employer, which are exempt from taxation as long as certain conditions are met. Any employee who receives taxable fringe benefits will have to include the fair market value of the benefit in their… …   Investment dictionary

  • fringe benefits — n. to get; provide fringe benefits * * * [ frɪndʒˌbenɪfɪts] provide fringe benefits to get …   Combinatory dictionary

  • fringe benefits — /frɪndʒ benɪfɪtz/ plural noun extra items given by a company to workers in addition to a salary, e.g. company cars or private health insurance ● The fringe benefits make up for the poor pay. ● Use of the company recreation facilities is one of… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • fringe benefits —  Nonwage compensation that comes with a job. Fringe benefits may include health insurance, travel and clothing allowances, retirement plans, and other PERKS …   American business jargon

  • Fringe Benefits Tax (India) — Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is the tax applied to most, although not all, fringe benefits. A new tax was imposed on employers by India s Finance Act 2005 introduced for the financial year commencing April 1, 2005. The following items are covered:… …   Wikipedia

  • Fringe Benefits Tax — (FBT) is the taxation of most, but not all fringe benefits, which are generally non cash employee benefits. The rationale behind FBT is that it helps restore equity and fairness to those employees who do not receive such benefits, and allows a… …   Wikipedia

  • Fringe Benefits Tax (Australia) — Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is the tax applied by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to most, although not all, fringe benefits, which are generally non cash benefits. Most fringe benefits are also reported on employee payment summaries for… …   Wikipedia

  • Fringe Benefits Tax (New Zealand) — Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) within the system of taxation in New Zealand is the tax applied to most, although not all, fringe benefits ( perks ), including the ones provided through someone other than an employer. FBT is paid to the Inland Revenue… …   Wikipedia

  • Fringe Benefits (band) — Fringe benefits was a Pakistani band, one hit wonder, of the mid 90s. They came out with the song Tanhai (loneliness) which became a super hit. The song had an Ace of Base feel to it and featured two members. The band does not exist… …   Wikipedia

  • fringe benefits — benefits given to a worker in addition to his salary or wages (services, insurance, vacation, pension plan, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fringe benefits — Benefits received by any employee in addition to wages or salary, such as group insurance, pension rights, etc …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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